Chatting: Now Faster, Safer, and More Fun

Create your own tailor-made Messaging/Online Chatting app using our full source code, Flutter, and more with Mighty Chat

flutter chat app | Flutter Messaging App | Mightychat | MeetMighty
high quality code
one of the greatest scripts i ever use , very professional support and sure high quality code .i do really recommend this , don’t think twice it do really worth every dollar spent on it.

Our Client

Customer Support
I can fully reccomend the team form Mighty, have bought multiple apps from them, they even customized it and published it for me, within 5 days the app was online at google and apple. don’t think about it, just purchase and be happy

Our Client

Easy to understand Product
Documentation os spot on and easy to understand with step by step approach that even a non-developer can use. They also provided graphic representation making it so easy to navigate and use. Thumbs Up!!!

Customer Support

Modern UI:
Clean & Functional

Functional, well-designed user interface helps to improve the user experience and ensures the success of your online chatting app

Your “Everything” Bundle

Create your own tailor-made flutter chat app with complete solution like WhatsApp.

Admin Panel

Get the admin panel access to monitor and manage your web-app with ease!

Flutter chat app Admin panel

User App

Try our user flutter chat app to know what your client gets and experience the BEST web-app.

Flutter chat app for user
Flutter Chat App for Developers

For Developers

We’ve made things easy for Developers, so that you get the BEST out of Mighty Chat!

Flutter Chat app for Business owners

For Business Owner

We’ve made things easy for Business Owners so that you get the BEST out of Mighty Chat!

Features Beyond Ordinary

Mighty Chat is a spectacular solution with amazing features that makes it best script for setting up online Chatting App.

Search Users
Google Sign in
Apple Sign in
Mobile Otp Sign in
Chat History
Group Chat
Share Media
Audio Calling
Video Calling
Emoji Gallery
Dark/Light Mode
Block/Unblock User
Push Notification
Clear Chat
Delete Chat
Status Story
Manage Setting
Call History
Change Font Size
Admob Integration
Change WallPaper
Multi Language
And Much More...

Discover the Mighty Chat Advantage!

Embark on a journey of benefits - personalization options, sleek design elements, and impeccably organized source codes.

Well-Researched Solution

Shoot with both the front and back camera on your phone at the same time.

Instant Chat with Anyone

Stop seeking for alternatives! Our app offering is made exactly for chatting and messaging.

Save 10000+ Dollars.

We have a one-stop-shop solution which makes us the pocket-friendly approach.

Clean & Structured Code

Choose from multiple dual camera layouts and backgrounds, before or after recording.

Get The Best Rates

One time investment. Pay once and get an unlimited access for LIFETIME.

Features & Services




Complete Backend Source Code
Complete Flutter Source Code
Full Configuration, Setup & Upload ( PLAY STORE AND APP STORE)
Advance Remote Support ( CRITICAL FIXES)

Create your own Chat App !!

Don't let opportunity pass you by. Get started with your dream project without spending a ton of money.